Friday, May 27, 2011

Published by Adventurer Press 02

What transformational tools can be used to communicate
love and affection to a distant and unobtainable beloved?
In the self-illuminating and confessional music of the
Cannonball Suites the author chooses a large black cannon
to send off messages in a cloud of smoke in all directions!

40 pages in b & w
Copyright 2001

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Two Wives... Part 1, Chapters 3 & 4

Chapter 3

The Two Wives Journey

Two innocent wives
in the rocket of their ancestors
travel, not far, to beneath the mountain hill.

They trudge up its steepish side to peer down
into its interior where a ladder meets them.

A rocket made from ancestral materials
lifts them off away from their two husbands
(who are too busy at work with their mathematical,
numeric graphs, which are very important).

The ladies lift off
and fly up, as if carried in a tin can,
excited inside -
over to a mountain side,
whereupon, they land and vacate their rocket.

Stepping upon new land
and looking up to the top
of an enormous mountain mound,
they exclaim, “Let’s go up!”

Chapter 4

Two Wives Join the Women’s Club
or Meet the Huge Black Prince

Two wives join the Women’s Club or meet
the huge, black Prince.
In both areas of discovery they are found,
and, they discover something new there.
In one, they descend and are invited
into the Horse and Women’s Club Extraordinaire.
And, in the other area concerning the mountain,
they find a large entrapped beetle -
no - I mean, a Prince,
dressed up in a blackish cloak
remorsefully reciting a poetry thing
or a personal memory.
He’s stranded, left, abandoned -
without our knowing.

They, the Two Wives, are small and tiny
compared to his enrapturous, standing figure.
He is big.


Why so big inside the mountain?

We’re coming upon the naked Prince!
He is huge, humungous.

Yes, big. He is so big;
but smaller in our minds.

He is lazy, relaxing,
treading water and books,
comfortable with table lamp and snacks.
A studious but messy gypsy.

A messy gypsy in his home.

Old and worn out are his baggy pantaloons.

So what are his cares?

Perhaps, the Two Wives see to that:
to whatever careless ways there are that he has;
and to whatever he can glean out of his books and studies
(not much, probably, I would suppose).

Whatever is his purpose there?

Now, we meet him after all of these years.

He’s fattened.

What do you expect?

I’ve found myself, at last!

Really? Just as we’ve found you?


Let’s go get out of here!  (Out of the mountain, they mean)

Yes! I’ll leave all my little, not much, stuff here.

Okay! Come out.
See the twilight.
Be reborn into the humans’ realm -
our realm - tonight!

Get some beer!


PRINCE, aside, to himself
I am not sure what will happen with me
but I’ll go and come along
with the two mighty, miniature daughters:
the women who climbed up my mountain
and let me in and will let me out.
They’ve worked on me
and prepared splendidly.
I’ll just go along.

(He leaves)

Later, they get help from the prisoner that they freed.
He’s bigger than them and leads the way
and helps, somehow.

(End of Chapter 4)

Monday, May 23, 2011

Published by Adventurer Press 01

In the swamplands is the primordial origin of all life.
The Frogman Monster shares in all its history and mystery - 
he is a king.  A confident Lady finds herself inside of his heart.
A searching Prince is following her on the outside and wants to
relieve her, and the monster, of her captivity but she is not so 
sure whether it's time for her to leave.
A Painter Poet gets deeply involved in their story.  Some
basic argument is happening.  Certain recesses of the mind and
psyche are being explored.  Everyone herein is working hard and
questioning.  What crucial form of trauma is being represented
and repetitively addressed?  Who will be the one to discover the
Frogman's secret treasure of desire and wealth?

126 pages in color
Copyright 2004
(Please contact for availability and pricing)

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Two Wives Paintings on Paper 1985-88, Part 1

In conjunction with The Two Wives... serial adventure, Adventurer Press presents selections from a series of paintings on this theme by Stephen in the 1980's.  (The following paintings were also included in the Two Wives 2010 calendar published by Adventurer Press)

two wives stare at blockhouse

two wives

2 husbands and 2 wives

Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Two Wives... Part 1, Chapters 1 & 2


Chapter 1

At a Women's Club Inside the Mountain

(A group of Women are meeting inside the mountain.
There are horse paintings on the walls.)

What are we figuring out here together
on our chairs - with the horses looking down -
with some tea or something in our cups -
with a whole activity-play ahead of us;
a whole play on the mountain strong
that holds all of us together here inside?

Are we expecting anyone else?
Any other ladies?

But, yes!

(Knock, knock! sounds on the door)

We have escaped from our husbands
and built a rocket of our own.
It landed nearby, near the top of this cone. 
(the mountain hill)

We walked up and could have found our way down.
Are we invited?

Of course.
But don’t you bring your husbands here!
Oh, no!

We are discussing things.
We have been planning for hours
about what to do.

And perhaps you could help us?
We can send you off.
With messages.

(The gigantic horse picture is looking down)

We are sending you off looking for
the right kind of man
who will do our bidding.

And betting.

Who will go down for us
where we can’t go,
like an intrepid beetle digging for the soil
and finding treasure there, down deep!

And then he’ll roll it back out
and give it to us here, central to all
the mountain-range hills.

We’re not leaving here. We’re coalescing,
grouping together, fortunate
and bold.


Hear the great horse’s neigh!
He’ll clobber us if we leave.
The horse is very bold too!

Go out, Two Wives, and find the guy that
opens doors to the treasure caves -
a hapless personality at the entrance
to the Hospital (Doorboy).
He’ll go forth with you.

(Note: this Adventure is not included in this edition)

Or, perhaps, find the guy - a Prince -
who’s enfolded inside the mountain itself,
wishing he were to be let out.

Chapter 2

Women's Club Secrets

Women’s Club secrets in the mountain cave large,
with a huge portrait of the gallant horse himself
staring out above them, looking down authoritatively
but approvingly, for now. Hee, haw!
They’re in deck chairs lounging, sort of,
but speaking softly and rather seriously about…

The two wives, who have landed nearby in a rocket
and escaped from their husbands, knock above,
to be let down into the large super-cavern, lamp-lit.

The superior Ladies welcome them
and continue to discuss softly
the major issues -
the issues that are going on within the mountain
(which is theirs, privately, alone).
But the Two Wives are let in
and come on down into the large secret
clubhouse cavern.

Two wives joining all of them briefly,
before they set out with all the necessary supplies
to drag forth the necessary men.

Will they solve this play?

speaking about the Two Wives who have just left:
They are the best,
the most intrepid at solving things, I think!

They have appeared here and been welcomed
and now are going to go out
to a wide world to solve things.

(There are three similar questions about the gigantic horse portrait)

Why is the horse the most masterful,
placed over us all?
Why is the horse masterpiece placed up high,
masterful over us all?

Why is the horse masterpiece making us
the most masterful over all!?


Good questioning, women!
We’ll all agree on that! Hear, hear!

The horse is our equilibrium, our master,
who much we admire
and dance by, with, toward and on.

(End of Chapter 2)

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Two Wives Adventure in Mexico

Drama and action - Unusual situations
Wild landscapes and people - 
Speeches - A proud horse - 
And two strong women prevail!

Adventurer Press will present the 'Two Wives' in weekly serial installments, stay tuned! 

'The Two Wives Adventure in Mexico' by Stephen Brown Brooks was published by Adventurer Press in 2009, 
all materials are subject to copyright.

Portraits Gallery 001

Each week we'll post three paintings from the various portraits series rendered by Stephen.  Many of the works were published by Adventurer Press in the following volumes: 'Wild Faces' (2002), 'My Visitors' (2004) and 'Portraits Collection' (2007).  All images are subject to copyright.

Bright Face, 2003

Los Angeles Son, 2005

Untitled, 2006

Launch of the Adventurer Press Blog!

Welcome to Adventurer Press.  On behalf of our founder Stephen B. Brooks, it is my pleasure to post the very first entry of this blog.  Our hope is to feature the range of work produced by Stephen over the years, which includes drawings, paintings and writing.  We will be updating regularly with serial installments of his latest projects as well as frequent postings from his portfolio and archives.  Stephen is actively looking for a publisher as well as galleries in which to show his work.  Please contact us at  Enjoy!