Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Published by Adventurer Press 07

Here they are - these wild faces appearing in a variety of ways to us!
Who are they?
What do they say?  What are they trying to tell us?
Are they self satisfied in their own worlds only thinking of themselves?
I do not think so.
Since they are only paintings they can't talk but sometimes I think we can hear them.
We are not sure what they are saying
Maybe you can tell...

52 pages in color
Copyright 2002

Saturday, August 20, 2011

The Two Wives... Part 10, Chapters 29 - 30


Chapter 29

Money That's Alive

As a penny they (the Two Wives) must seem to be
of more value than a button?

Are they money that’s alive?
Then, what can it do? 
It can’t just be laid down
or slapped across the table
to get a bet or a bowl?
To be desperately used -
each lady for a little thing?

As pennies they can’t be well disguised,
they’ll be lost too soon.
They’ll be rolled across the table
underneath lots of things,
like paper... And money
that crowds them out
because they’re almost worthless!

A NEARBY VOICE, speaks up

Oh, don’t lay under it!
Penny-girl, don’t be spent!
Don’t be mixed in with the other moneys.

TWO WIVES, complaining
Us Two Wives found treasure
but became it first; weakened
haplessly as pennies.
Our sole worth being one cent only.

At all.

One-cent worth:
a stiff, round, hard, rolling penny;
not glamorous, not heard -
because who, of any of you,
would listen to a penny?

Because how much worth do we have?

What can we do
besides roll around worthless
on the counter-top,
clinking and clanking against other
round and better coins
that are tougher than us?

Thick against us,
they’re tougher - last longer.

We just roll about.
The other coins seem invested
in a greater detail: thickly powerful
like a five nickel;
or profoundly open to the deep
like the deeply shiny quarter.

The superb, shining quarter!

The quick dime always gets away!

Better than the ten of us
who hardly ever travel together.
But it seems like not all the pennies are like us.

NARRATOR, to the Two Wives
How is the Prince Giant
getting you to be, in this way,
as a small penny,
almost, next to, worth nothing?

Chapter 30

True Value

TWO WIVES, now bragging
Of no value? That is not true, Sir!
By being playful women we are powerful.

So, we can prove it for you:
and jump around beyond,
past dimes, nickels or trains of quarters.
Even further than dollars
can we steal!
Taking more… Having more…

Taking more than dollars…

More that’s not given to us…

That’s not even exchanged!

We’re getting it freely on our own
as our own purchasers.

We’re just pretending that we’re pennies;
and going in there, jumping
and grabbing,
while all the rest of the money
just sits there.

Because no one is buying.

Even though dimes and quarters,
and nickels of silver,
are powerful;
we can get what we want
without spending them;
without being a loss,
an embarrassing debit,
a nothing of worthless buying!

So, when the Prince Giant throws us
toward the table that’s silent
with no one around,
yet it’s holding up, flagrantly,
just that everything happy and wholesome
that we want - all the best of the best -
the most expensive, the Best -
we’ll be able to lay a-hold of this...

And, swinging into action,
make it all come forth
freely bought and gained,
pound for pound,
more than any dollar for any dollar more;
loading all of it up,
backwards into our bag.

We don’t buy.
We don’t make cents
out of anything.

Our two pennies will be doing the work,
the magic work,
by forcing the issue:
stealing without paying;
by using our true worth
to make away with what’s valuable...

To do a marvelous job!

We don’t have to pay pennies
for all of this.
You know we could never get anything
if we did!

We don’t have to be
included and lost,
spent in a bargain;
for we can just take it all;
with our supra-human strengths
forwarding our
elemental desires
backwards into his whitish bag.

We will not need to be spent,
consumed - disappeared
into a cash register
while this or that gets added up -
to get immediately what
we need and want.

And this feels better.

And that’s why we’re the Two Wives
and, rather not, real pennies.

We’re approaching this expensive ‘lardon’
(a collection of riches) and, even though
we’re disguised as poor worthless clowns,
we’ll get all the glitterings
of grandioseness into
our larder.

No, we’re solving the crisis.
We’re lifting a lot of heavy, expensive
things without being charged;
and sending them into our stored up bag
of unlimited laughing freedom.
And in no hurry!

With no rush.

Almost perfunctorily,
which can make us laugh
all the time at ourselves,
because we’re like pennies:
part of everything, a basic unit
making everything that’s valuable up!

And we won’t be deceived
as to what’s true value
to our hearts or his (Prince Giant’s), too.

So, we’ll talk sense.
And do it.
Even if it’s for that big grown-up baby
who’s never able
to lift a lid (an eyelid)
to understand
the vast expanse
of unwittingness
he participates in.
Here - holding his bag.
And, there - smoking his pipe.
And then - eating breakfast
and so on - duly creating
the unwittingnest of everything -
a doodle bug,
a lopsided beetle,
a scarum machine...

Which we’ll turn over
and soon get wheels upon!

Meanwhile, is this his, Prince Giant's, ignorant doing
you’re talking about - moving you
from off of his sleeves
to best partake of what’s freely taken?

The Two Wives are impossible!
They’re impertinent
and hopping.
They do well at seeming sensible…
But they aren’t!

Maybe they’ll break out of the coin faces
and say something about themselves
and Washington or Lincoln or the Buffalo?
About money!

(End of Chapters 29 & 30)

Friday, August 19, 2011

Portraits Gallery 012

Angry God Above, 2003
King of Girls, 2005
23 Year Old Questioner, 2007

Friday, August 12, 2011

The Two Wives... Parts 8 & 9, Chapters 25 - 28


Chapter 25

Bored Calm Reflection

Central energy chamber: the mountain.
Peripheral: the Two Wives rocket, the Two Wives
as buttons, the Horse ideal, rum bottle and fruit.

The Mountain-Houses Two -- Women’s Club, Prince
Giant’s.  Two different mountains contain them.
Both of these entities and powers are released, let go.
Mischief follows.
Two Wives release both.

Two Wives are captured by the Prince Giant for awhile
and steal fruit and rum.
They use the rum to release the Women’s Club.
The Women’s Club charges down upon the town.
They see a multitude of sleepy,
innocent faces looking up.
There’s a complexity as to the shape, size and intent
of the approaching women’s crowd.

After leaving the mountain
are the women to be separated again?

First, there’s order in the Women’s Club.
Then, there’s disorder caused by rum.
Then, the disorder leaves the mountain
and approaches villages.
What happens then?

They steal horses?

Do the Women need horses?

And the Two Wives?
They fulfilled their task on a whim?

Their rocket is still stable.
They can get up and go - leave the scene.
Their husbands haven’t missed them
(they have solved business problems:
jacked up numbers and bolstered accounts).
Their reunion isn’t talked about.
Kids are born - to inhabit the stock market graphs
and to be strung up upon them like curried wildfowl!

Chapter 26

Missing Chapters

Here, at the end, is a list of missing
chapters with some notes.

This internal, middle chapter is missing:


And these two ending chapters are missing but there are a few notes:


Horses are exchanged.
Mates as well.


A chicken is exasperated
and follows his instincts, flapping!
But he still stays smart
(prophetic, intuitive, useful).

And that’s it!
Mountains still retain their
magic and power.


Chapter 27

A Journey on His Sleeves

A belt of rosettes on one of the Wives
as she is squeezed into a penny(‘s worth) button.
They are pretty.

Chapter 28

Later Conflictions

Prince Giant big
has somehow dominated the little wives
after they released him from
a mountain prison cell...
To do that, they had followed
the Women’s Club’s advice...

And obeyed rules?

The Two Wives are strong dutiful creatures;
they work well in unison.

How did they get onto the Prince Giant’s sleeves,
as buttons, after they let him out of his mountain prison?

I don't know?

No matter, now - as they're holding something up
that looks different.

Is that still a button?

Or, a value as a coin?

They're holding it up,
becoming it!

(End of Chapters 25 - 28)

Saturday, August 6, 2011

The Two Wives... Part 7, Chapters 22 - 24

Chapter 22

Stormy Night Banter

SLEEPY NARRATOR, reiterating part of the story
Again, I see
their faces staring up
in dumb un-believability,
up towards that rare hole entrance place;
when, over their heads,
a hard-bottled sprinkler system lets
fall down a magnificent spray
that spreads out above their heads…

(The Narrator wakes up somewhat)

A bottle top is letting drop
a deluge - such a liquid swarm -
a magnificent liquid spray of warmish particles,
bound down inside the room
for joyful absorption
upon the Ladies waggly spongy tongues!

Their faces staring up at the hole…
The clunk of a bottle stuck head down, open…

Pouring its hots
in a wild unperturbed spray
all over the girls.

Droplets covering the air above
and hanging down;
dropping for the taste of them all!

ONLOOKER, singing
They heard a clunk of a bottle turned
upside down with an open mouth-o
pouring hot bedeviling spray!

They heard the clunk of a huge bottle
of rum most full
stuck upside down with an open mouth-o!

The bottle is mouth down
and all of its contents empty;
thus, the Ladies are all filled up
with what dropped down
in tinier parts.

A vitalizing liquid swarm
to create a girlish storm!

Swarming liquid particles falling down:
a lowering spray
happily absorbed on feminine tongues.

A glorious falling spray
touches their feminine tongues
and makes them create together a maelstrom!

Chapter 23

They Couldn't Stay Fitting In Separately Anymore

So, they were brought out of the mountain
by the Two Wives because, once inebriated
(by the rummy spray) and girly-massed together,
they couldn’t stay fitting in to the mountain separately
anymore and were at once removed -
a big jellied blob out of the house! - pouring out
like rum runnels, bunches, bags, Bobs, Rum-o-Bobs,
freaks, nuts, cakes, lava, bobs!

Like rummy ants!

Now - the Ladies in the Mountain Club always
kept a certain order,
which has now gone to the rummy
(rum swelling, smelling) wind!

Chapter 24

What are the Ancient Horses to Us?

NARRATOR, about the Ladies Club
They worshiped an ideal Horse
on their walls.
He spoke truly and rode them.

Worshippers of the ancient Horse arise!

(Horse portraits looking down from the walls)

We worship the ancient Horses!
They are talking to us!
They are taking us somewhere
but only in our minds.
Hooray, honor to our Horses!
They’ll ride us to the Kingdom come.
They’ll survive us.
Their strengths can be ours.
Their fortitude can be a rush:
it will ride us forward.
Their kingly looks can influence us.
They’ll ride us superbly.
They are most kindly.

That’s the Ladies saying,
‘What are the ancient Horses to us?’

So we’ve said…
that they talk and fly.
And that we know so much!
What if we all acted together?
What could that be? A powerful influence.
Thus, we are looking up to the Horses grand;
and they are supporting us here
in our endeavor to come together nicely,
and then, to be resolved of all plots.

And, to stabilize together as a group:
not all separate women to be.
From the mountain we’ll come out 
all as one strong force now,
inebriated by wine or some rum
to go down into the villages.
That’s all that I can say.

(Later, one of the Women shouts to the group
before they leave the mountain)

March correctly.
As we go out we can leave in order.
We will present ourselves
grand to see upon the hillside above the village.

(The Villagers look up and see the Women)

A group of women with funny faces!
Wet and stinking of rum,
they are proudly restraining themselves;
for such devilish impulses toward us
could be coming out from them, too;
and, so far, we aren’t affected.

When, all of a sudden, with one ‘Woop!’
the women leave rank
to wildly descend, furiously,
upon these people.

Their logic has ended.
Are they acting independently again?

(End of Chapters 22 - 24)

Tuesday, August 2, 2011