Saturday, November 26, 2011

Two Husbands'... Part 1, Chapter 3

Chapter 3

Window-Sill Calculations

The numbers are coming to me!

(Biggy and Smally at work with numbers)

We’re spreading out without the grid!
I’m ready to pluck them
out of the air!
But they mix in it.
And they don’t calculate
anything for us yet.

They’re fluttering a little
like numbers on a flag
in front of me.

They’re blurring.
They’re saying nothing!

We're spreading out without a grid!

Now I’m seeing them straight
on an even keel
in an even line
on the level -
mostly straight across -
standing straight, upright,
posing for value or worth;
their powerful ancient figures
well-decided upon
and kept, figured, in a standard order -
with the same molded shapes,
carried down to us through
history’s chasms.

Numbers all over

Their stable shapes,
hugging to form,
are our workshop.
They were figured out
long, long ago.

The fives come swooping
down like bees
chasing the zeros!

Our numbers aren’t figuring.
They’re not being included.
They’re slow. Their solid steps aren’t...

Going anywhere!

Bold steps! of the Two Husbands

(End of Chapter 3)