Saturday, January 28, 2012

Two Husbands'... Part 1, Chapter 10

Two Husbands in their Offices

Two Husbands in their office

Again, we are strong. We really think so!
What our pencils are doing
is really important.
Yes. We’ve buttoned up our coats and
really gotten to work!

Yeah, really figuring out dishes
and dashes
and other perfunctory things.

Perfunctionary things, you mean!

Performing things with our own unction
in meaning something!

Yes. We’re going to manipulate money figures
with numbers and come to see some good.
We wish.

Yes, we wish.
And hope.


Two Husbands and their non-discovery

By holding one of our numbers up
and anointing ourselves with it!
Bong on the head! - number seven.
Bong on the head - number eight.
Bong on the head - number six.
Bong on the head - number two.
Bash on the head - number green,
number blue and red.
And, blank on the face - numeral Rye,
whatever that’s to mean?

(He reaches for a bottle of Rye whiskey)

Then, we’re written off.



Okay. Thinking the numbers right
we hold them up aloft -
as we think that they’ll do good for us.
They’ll do anything and everything.

Certainly. Soon.

Yet all remains quiet
no matter how long we jump around with them -
no matter how long we hold them up aloft.

Up over our desks and paper,
suddenly, they are like mist or clouds.

Turning into mini-molecules
already hidden from us.
And our stubby fingers
like stupid, leadless pencils can’t
grasp them or group them
to get a hold of any new sums
or fresh equations.

Yeah. They’re like silver flickerings
over the blackboard of many fish.

Hurrying herring.

Or, mackerel that can’t be seen
above the graph.

They disperse,
run quickly - instantly -
    into the lines.
There is an empty square there!
More than one, two!
Then, all of them!
Yes, all of them are emptied out
because of our blundering.

Every net hole is
    without a fish-faced number

Look where they’ve sunk
    to the bottom
    and cannot be seen;
hidden deep in the cold, watery shadows
    like drowned corpses
    under the sea weeds.

Where are our numbers?
Where have they gone?
What have they sunk into -
been immersed - or emerged into -
dispersed or detained into?

From air to water to gas -
    wherever they go
    they explode emptyingly out -
    (as if they are emptying)
    and are, once more,
    of no use to us.

Yes, we can’t get our hands on them.
Yes, they’ve lost their shape and form
and don’t stand up tall,
round and providing.

Not providing us anything!

Two Husbands in their offices
and their non-discovery.
NOT important.
NO numbers adding up
or going ANYwhere! AT all!
SO there Two Husbands, I shout!
THOUGH, who am I? A new numbering recruit?

We must get out of the
world impure of numbers.
and find wheels or ways
to get outside of this office.
To get where we’re going, fast.

Do we need to think of numbers fair?

No, we don’t.
We’ll let go of them all now
and walk right out of the door.

What’s our new destination?

Wherever our wives are.


Oh, yeah, we’ll go get them!

(The Two Husbands do not leave the office)

Note to Readers: At this time, the Prince Giant has turned the Two Wives into two pennies, in Mexico.

(End of Chapter 10)

Friday, January 27, 2012

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Two Husbands'... Part 1, Chapter 9

Losing Hold

look at the disappearing numbers!

Two Husbands:
big heads, wide faces;
    grins or not
Ecstatic speculation,
then disappointment.
Clenched fingers in knotted palms.
Clenched hands, clenched fingers
    into frustrated fists
    with nowhere to go.

SMALLY sighs,
Back to the miserable graphs
and the squares of numbers.
Into the immoveable black net again,
where numbers’ pains persist.

Where numbers’ pains surround and belch!

Or they get added on to - 
to grow discomfortably fat,
un-proportionately unequal to each other,
    not the same -
    at odds!

Ruthless, toothless and raw -
    rather bad -
not responding, un-regarding,
foolhardy speculations!

With their bottoms falling out.

Square boxes losing respect
for their own equalities!

(Biggy and Smally stand back from the graph)

Square boxes twisting and turning -
being bent and stretching -
sort of semi-collapsing upon each other...

(A high-pitched squeaking sound emits from the wall)

And then, a howl!
A hole made of wiry black jaws appears
    and sucks in
all the remaining numbers rapidly
    into itself,
with a squeeze or a pop.

And the Husbands’ numbers are gone!
    swiftly out of reach
    up off the wall
and then into the graph.

Right shock and awe
has reached their face.
Their clambering fingers 
have no where to reach
and clench into themselves,
fisting impotently, without charm,
in front of the broadening white space
where long chains of square black boxes
    dissolve and disappear -
their mental compartments
closing off into the one hole!

BIGGY perplexed,
Our black mental squares are not containing anything!
They are spread off by the white mist continuing
beside our work - regardless of it.

something strange is happening on the board!

Prepare a number:
it cannot or will not stay in its place.

There it moves
and by clouds it is caught
and trails off,
leaving no prints on this mist!

Yes, it goes into the clouds -
into these broadening white walls
with nothing.

No graphs, wires or holdings -
or containers.
No workings, sympathetically.

No conducive springs
or leaps or bounds into one another.
No glad tidings. No respect.

two men in a quandary

A failure? Is that what we see here?

The black compartments had a way
of containing themselves with dignity
    but not now.
Now, they’re all molding together
without boundaries and are losing hold
upon their own significance.

You mean, we’re losing our hold
upon their significance.

They are losing their holds
upon their separately chosen places.
And upon ours, too - as we can no longer fit
inside the graph together, either - mentally.

BIGGY, becoming surly,
Their holds
are not being claimed.
They’re clanging together
and creating one most disturbing,
disappearing mass.
It’s like all the black lines chose
to thread their stiff, wiry way
into a hole: a tiny spick of a dot
that resembles a dent in the wall -
a prick there stunk in!
And they are perceived, or not,
as possibly continuing.
But not!

I don’t know?

I suppose.

But continuing when? Where?
If they’re really already gone...?

four birds pull out the 2 Husbands' graph!

(The Two Husbands continue gabbling at each other; while, mysteriously, outside of their office window four strong birds are seen to be flying away with the graph chart!)

Later, alone in his office, Biggy has a dreamy vision
of a wondrous creature.

Could his vision be of someone unknown
who replaces the numbers on the graph?

A Wondrous Creature

(End of Chapter 9)