Saturday, July 2, 2011

The Two Wives... Part 4, Chapters 10 - 12

Chapter 10

What Happened in the House?

What happened in the house?
A live cock knows
and shows by bringing its short feathers up
and screaming, as chickens do: “Squawk!”
He knows…

I know. I’m here on a men’s table
but I am still alive and can talk.
I’m happy.
I’m strong.
I’m willing
to flap and say every deal that I feel.

So, here’s what I’m doing:
I don’t prevent two copper ladies from
landing on here
but I do say
that these feeds and libations
are not for you, Fat Boy Giant
who has Not Grown Up (yet).

These specially provided
sumptions are for girls that need it -
for small women to grow,
for small women to stop being
the smaller copper pennies in your life;
to bring in the big dollar!

They are fruit intake,
bread, consumption fuel,
so that they can
bring up your fat inflatedness to all
and you’ll once again deflate
your hidden mountain fortress.
You’ll emerge together with the Ladies as equals.
They’ll provide the wine from this magic table.
I’ll flit over and surmise
if your inborn situation is alright.

Chapter 11

On the Ship Off the Mexican Coast

speaking about the Two Wives as two buttons
On the sleeves is fancier
than in his pockets as copper pennies.

(The Two Wives are now in a ship with large portholes)

There are portholes;
and the Two Wives are copper pennies
on the table, stealing and pilfering.
The captain of the ship is in awe
watching their dancing movements.

“Little lady lifting a bottle up bigger
than her size!” he thinks.
“Little lady lifting banana and papaya that’s bigger
than her size!”

TWO WIVES, looking at the large bottle
Should we pilfer this?
This is what we want.
The secret rum!
The sweet secret Captain’s rum!

Now, all for our own.

Or, bring it back to the Women’s Clubhouse.
There, they’ll all share!

And what’s supposing to happen, then?

General decisions.
Not about the Horse.
They’ll get missing all the men.
They’ll get over their secrecy.
They’ll pop all out of the mountain.

They’ll reveal themselves, then.

They’ll be dragged out of the top of the mountain
by the bottle of rum calling.

They’ll get fired up to get up to the top
and get (go) out!

Yeah, toward the villages.

I can see a group of women marching
down the mountain-side toward a village…


Dream Mix-up

In my dream someone who thinks that I am a thief
is cross-examining me. I did take two brass buttons
off an old yellow military vest hanging on the door of his office.
But, then, where is the vest? I don’t know?
I don’t know? I can’t remember!
It’s from Virginia. I’m in trouble!

(In the picture, the bottle on the table has a cross on it)

The cross is on the bottle  
that the two button girls are going to get.
And is it a cross or an X-mark?

CHICKEN, says loudly
The cross is on the bottle and that
is what you’re going to get!
Because X marks the spot
and the lore states that you will find it there.

And, for the two button girls it’s on the big bottle
that’s almost full.
“Take it”, they say to themselves.

This makes the big guy happy...
Though what’s inside the bottle is mixed up:
rum or other deepish, dark, secret stuff.
Sort of thick
for thinking or drinking.
Anyway, that’s how I feel, even without it,
this a.m. in Mexico!

(End of Chapters 10 -12)

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