Sunday, September 25, 2011

The Two Wives... Part 10, Chapters 36 & 37

Chapter 36

In the Chieftain's Possession

NARRATOR, speaking about the Captain’s cabin
There’s no saying the amount of chaos that
goes on in there.
Monkeys screech,
parrots laugh,
men talk and
songs are going on,
drinks are spilling,
wine is poured…

(Continuing the plot)

The Captain is hearty for a while
but his spirits sink.
He has finally lost the bet!

The Wives are going away
in a burnt dug-out canoe;
off, between the palms, into the jungle.
He’ll say goodbye, thoughtful in regret.
The Wives are unhappy too,
because they don’t know where they’re going!

A big round-faced Indian (the Native Chieftain)
who won them has brought them off the boat.
They are sinking (like the Captain’s heart)
down into the canoe in a vanilla bean bag.
They can breathe but squeeze up against each other.
They’re irritable.
How long can this go on?

They are taken to a mud hut
near palms and river cataracts.
They sense the hustle and bustle of the village.
And they hear the dread sounds of the wild at night.

The Chieftain is gentle and considerate.
He sings and hums upon his native tuner,
a split bamboo.
He has a few big women waiting.
They are surprised to see the two much smaller ladies
but they greet them kindly,
in awe of the new taboo.

They give the Wives a big basket softened inside
with the white downs of giant pelicans: so soft
to lie down in!  It's a private world of comfort.
Luxurious, exotic and healthy food and drink
are served to them there.
They can relax and rest.
They are not under any kind of employment
so far - yet!

Chapter 37

Jungle Airs

The Two Wives sleep soundly in a coconut shell
lined with pelican fluff.
The airs are solely tropic.
They're becoming like babies again,
fed by a large goat's nipple
protrubing over the edge
of their basket and squirting
milk into their mouths.
They are such little babies.
Not much food suffices to maintain them.

Maintain them for what? -
for what the Chieftain has in mind?
New rituals?
Or tribal economy: banking pursuits
carried along native exchange routes?
More side-show traveling for them?

(End of Chapters 36 & 37)

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