Saturday, May 19, 2012

Two Husbands'... Part 2, Chapter 18

The Number Scarf

(The Witchdoctor has asked one of the Wives for her fashionable silk scarf (she has been wearing it as a dress!). It is emblazoned with bold numbers on an elegant checkerboard pattern. He holds it up; and then, using El Sultam’s German Formulas, begins to wave it back and forth in the jungle air)

Witchdoctor holding numbers scarf between both hands

Does one of the Wives have a number scarf
to start off with, when she leaves her husband in the city?
A silk number scarf, black and white,
decorated with numbers on a graph?

The Witchdoctor is an ‘old spindle-fingers’
because he can weave anything
in and out of his hands;
including all the skyscraper
nuclear-reaction numbers
from off the top of the feathers
wrapped and tied around his brow!

The Witchdoctor has got one Wife’s scarf
and is challenging it out to the sky;
forcing it to yield numbered secrets aloft
(along with her sweet smells and so forth)
in the loops, twists and spins
that he wields it with (her perfume arising);
all the while, staring, chanting, hopping
    and rotating around
    over his secrets;
over either his liquid plate of secrets
(with El Sultam’s formulas added)
or his stony plate of secrets
    that might bear aloft
    the twin-sister Wives
as tokens and tear them home -
take them home!

Yes, the Two Wives
are the Witchdoctor’s token.
And that’s okay, as long as he
    wields his power
to bob them up to the sky
to cross over the mighty Pacific’s rim
    east to the east
without dropping them.

He better have
sure and certain concentration.

That he does with his Baobob drink.
It ‘fusions’ him
and sends his power -
but we won’t go in to that!
His wily craft is endless to discuss.
It’s an endless query.

He’s a stone-age leftover.

Yes, with all the prehistoric incantatory tricks -
lifting things, rolling them,
using leaves and plants, counting.
He can do it all!

The Husbands’ Experience In Their Office

2 Husbands and the 2 cans in their office

Look here!
The graph is arching, billowing,
showing us its excitability
in the flashing of its clearest numbers
    to the top (where it’s the whitest)
before they are folded over
    and underneath.

And it’s demonstrating its ‘all-one’ sense:
that it won’t come apart
    but will flow
into two manually directed,
    stabilizing tools;
leaving and collecting evenly, likewise,
    a shared propensity
to establish deadlines and accumulate figures
    for us.

And we are willing to share
the same drinking fountains of figures, each;
knowing the pipes are there,
layering and crisscrossing underneath
    with exactly the same water
    going back and forth.

This is a miracle that
    ‘stayed apart’
as the two men were holding
    their mugs or cans
across the table from each other!

And as they held them up empty,
the sacred chart flew off the wall
and began to equally fill both their mugs
    in a balancing stream
    back and forth.

In an arching band
of flexible information folding and banding
and succinctly being seen
but disappearing again and again
into their emptied coffee cups.

This is the ‘Two Can Do’ experiment
which leads to nothing, probably;
because all those numbers can’t be used
except to go inside the dry coffee cups.

And we don’t know what happens there?

It’s just a jumping, leaping phenomena
    that happens.
Pressured up energies
are sharing their attraction to emptinesses...

Toward two bowls of affection
    innocently held up
    after being loved, drained
    and appreciated.

Note to Reader: We do think that the Witchdoctor’s knowledge is affecting the Two Husbands’ experience...

(End of Chapter 18)

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