Saturday, July 7, 2012

Two Husbands'... Part 2, Chapter 23

The Little Muffgee

Witchdoctor is visited

(A little jungle man - a Muffgee - holds up a flat, oracular instrument 
in front of the Witchdoctor’s mouth)

NARRATOR not able to understand what is happening,
Who’s popped up to give him the draw -
to get him to look at himself or to see something
in a mirror that affects the whole building?
Maybe it’s something to help the Two Husbands
inside of their real building?

The Witchdoctor is visited...
Yes, he is in the jungle fair and proper
but he is experiencing something so unfair
and improper - is this true? What is it?
A compass or a mirror?
It seems like an obstruction
but I guess he’s chanting into it...

And sun sound vibrations are gathering
into a perpendicular ‘time’ compass
held up by a little fairy man
(who resembles an old friend, long forgotten).
And the sound fairy is making ‘ring’ vibrations,
(as if out of an old phone-receiver)
going out and in from the Witchdoctor’s word waves.

And we think this is all very ’trippy’ or strange,
as he clings to the
thickening model building,
so heavy that now he has to
sit in a chair or on a bench
because that building weighs him down so.

And that building only props up
    a minimal carrier
of this most special device
that’s used in preparation for
the Husbands’ departure:
     a small mirror,
laughing back and forth
to the Witchdoctor - who is surprised
and shocked that it’s working!

Who is this little fella’
hopping up on top, on to the rooftop?
What is he doing?
First, flashing my face
and then turning his dime mirror into
a mediator compass for far and wide miles
to be navigated; just by the waves of sound
that I’m making: ‘Cha Cha Oo La La!’

I’m speaking and the compass finds
a place to go for my voice.
And I keep hold, close to my heart,
on to the Husbands’ real city building
so that my words can travel there
and maybe move some things around -
so that the Husbands will jump up
and exclaim exhortedly, urgently,
that their numbers can’t possibly do
what I am really telling them to do!
(which will be to ranch up tall - much higher
than the two men - and to step up, stiffly at first,
off the graph squares to present  themselves
coolly, almost defiantly, above the men).

The Husbands’ affected numbers
will be encouraged by my words to become
suddenly three-dimensional and lively!
Peering down at the men, they will tell them
stories in sing-song about moving -
about embracing methodically on to them,
to be carried away on a new flight
to come visit their Two Wives,
who are here on these islands with me. 

But first, I must have an interior knowledge
and magic use of the fetishistic building that I’ve made.
I must get in upon its windows to send the numbers in
and to bring them out, after puffing them up solidly
as life-size containers (not numeric containers for counting, 
but boxes for travel - luggage compartments)
for the two men, who will swiftly be swooned
out of their offices and carried over the seas,
squished or languidly resting - depending upon
how fat they are once inside their numbers!

However, since I cannot actually see the two men right now,
how can I fashion the right-size numbers for them?
I must ask the Two Wives to give their husbands’
measurements to me...

At first and insult but then...

NARRATOR quoting from Theodor Andrea Cook (1914),
“The science of mathematics has been defined as “the great instrument of exact statement and mental manipulation - and when it is combined with the extraordinary power of visual imagination possessed by such men as _____ we see to what astounding results it may lead the human intellect.”

(Re-iterating the latest scene)

The Little Muffgee...

The little fairy guy (Muffgee) is taking a chance!
showing him the mirror!
right up into his face
and over his blathering mouth.

At first it’s an insult;
    but then,
that mirror thing in the little man’s hands
    begins to flash
and, we think, it’s going to permit
the Witchdoctor’s whole motivation
    to carry through.

But we can’t draw out a picture of it here.
It can’t take form because it’s easily formless:
    mostly emptiness,
    filling out (but not seen)
with circular charges going out-ways
    sent into the mirror
from between the Witchdoctor’s  lips and teeth -
    compressing there as if coiling up;
pinpointed, so to speak,
from the compassing  directions
to the correlating exact degrees
of the Husbands’ offices
on the other side of the globe! 
Or, something like that?

So, then he could, pray tell,
manipulate the numbers?


A transformation

(End of Chapter 23)

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