Monday, August 27, 2012

Two Husbands'... Part 2, Chapter 28

The Left Out Numbers

"They're coming back!"

(While the Witchdoctor’s numbers approach, the Husbands are still in a bewildered limbo in their offices - but this will soon change)

BIGGY talking quietly to himself.
No, we haven’t forgotten you, O Wives!
But we have to find a way
to go to meet - to find you - across the map;
even if it’s way over to the other side of the globe.
How are we going to find this way to go?
Into which magic balls shall we look?

SMALLY agitating,
The numbers have mocked us, run away!

But their spokesman, Seven, once spoke to us.
He may return.

Why might the numbers come back?

Because we are at a threshold 
that is not interesting without our wives mixed in with us 
and telling us, perhaps, how good we did.
And how good we’ve done.

SMALLY perturbed,
How good we’ve done doing what?
Calculating losses? Losing all our score?
Petting certain numbers in boxes on our graphs
and putting uncertain ones off
until they  - the disappointed, unused ones -
stand at the side frowning,
even glaring madly toward us, piercingly
through our high, meticulate office windows,
from the outside!

BIGGY joining into Smally’s exaggerated story,
Yeah, then, they’ll kick in -
throwing everything off,
miscalculating, dragging us down -
    manacling themselves
    haphazardly, unevenly
    to their upstanding,
clear, bright fellow numbers still inside -
so that their added extra weight
    throws us all off!

That’s why they’re not accepted.
They’re rejected and stand outside the office window.
Maybe, they’re unhappy there?

We can’t care.

Yet, like thugs
snapping on their fingers,
in they come!
Gripping, tackling, tripping -
stopping any momentum -
throwing our picked numbers off
in various ways.
Oh, how absurd! A folly!

"We're left out!"

And they’re smashing through our window saying:
“We’ve had enough!
The big city doesn’t accommodate us.
We’re left alone now, just bouncing along.   
Fit us in. On to your best new graph!
We’re ready to be fitted in.
Do it now!”
The numbers press!
They press in as the window glass shatters!

Yes, I can see it. As the view to the outside city
is distorted, sharp, angry numbers pass through!
They’ve come back to declare their upset;
wanting their inclusion onto the graph.

They say, “Small us -
better, us smaller down
    onto the
thin, beaten wire
into our prospective, former places
next to Eight or Zero.”

‘But you can’t all fit in!’ I say.

“No, but we will! “ they shout.
And they force their way
like angry bees down upon
the starched-out lines,
crowding together on the paper.

We have to relate to them!

Our other numbers,
already there filled in dutifully,
act stiff and will not move
toward their banished fellows.

There is a prospective numerical
gaff starting up:
    a setting up war
    fantastic to behold,
as the number shapes begin to transform themselves,
fully merging and mixing on top of each other
    like crazy, drooling,
    black paints
tipped over and scared -
because they are not at all willing;
and they’re trying to remain separately contained
by implosive, not protective, graph lines
fluttering there on our board.

(Biggy makes the numbers’ sound effects and exclamations)

Ouch! Ouch!”

The numbers move over.
A ridiculous circus has begun.
The numbers tip over and are
They’re poking up like seals’ heads
    under life-rings.
They’re getting entangled
in a sludge of tangled graph line;
and they’re taking away, removing - 
    obliterating its order!

There’s no more cross-hatch.
There’s no more straight lines or corners.
There’s no more even-tempo’ed gait
from cage to cage.
They’ve burst out of their hives
and are in a free-for-all now -
    culminating in disaster -
    a tar pit!

(Biggy becomes more exasperated and exhausted)

I cannot explain it - numbers failing,
being heavily reduced down
into an unrecognizable black puddle
dissipating on top of the desk!

This strength of numbers can turn into an ocean there -
    causing chaos to reign
    off the top of the table -
causing chaos to overtake the man
and possess him along like a flood,
    bigger than blood;
    seemingly, bigger than anything!

That is where the numbers will go -
out there, in a sense - without measurement.
And they don’t have to stop anywhere!

(A faintly recognizable female Voice - perhaps one of the Two Wives -
suddenly sounds out)

So that now that the
numbers’ glue is undone
the man doesn’t have anywhere to go -
except, in his heart, to be thinking of his Two Wives!

BIGGY quietly explaining to Smally,
All the left out numbers were
sucked out of the patchy grid-work lines
through the holes, the squares;
through what seemed safe to contain
and hold them up and keep them dear
or steady there.

A kind of in-breath,
quietly diminished their upright stance.
Wearied of their places, they backed out -
even through our windows, out into the sky
where it’s way too bright to see
their black-reflecting shapes, anymore.

Non-reflecting black outlines
are in the sky no longer, you say?
But they are! Here they come now!
Look!, Biggy!

(The Husbands’ shaky premonition of the Witchdoctor’s magic effect on their numbers is over. Now the real thing happens. The Witchdoctor’s new formal numbers, sent from the jungle, do burst through the Husbands’ office window)

But are they coming through now?


(A man-sized number Seven shape comes through their window)

Yes! We’re coming back! In to the office!
On to your pages!
In to your eyes and looks.
Do you cherish us now? And not your wives
for whom you’ve been forsaken before?

(BAM! CRASH! in the office is the sound of REAL numbers this time)

EIGHT following Seven,
So, you’ve been forsaken for your wives?
Forgotten by your wives? We doubt it!
    They need you now.
And we, all ten of us, are going to help!
That is why we’re coming in so suddenly.

Your window may be wrecked - but no matter -
we’ll stand around bossing
until you two get it right! -
until you get the right formula
to come down and out of your paper.

Yeah! Until it pops up.

BIGGY AND SMALLY, incredulous:
The formula? What is it?

It’s enough to take you over into us
fully and completely,
so that we’ll sail,
as numbers do,
over oceans’ moronic,
and deserts flat
and continents,
and through sky elements
using star-tracking systems (of no
special relevance to you) to place
you down close to the vicinity
of your wives’ entrapment.

Which is, perhaps, a reckless endangerment?

Under unpleasant circumstances?

The numbers scare the Husband workers
who don’t have any rule over them, anymore.
Even the straight lines they use for graph paper
are all tangled; balled up like old barbed-wire
or a frisky kitten’s yarn, hard to unravel,
with no room for numbers’ calculations -
    an un-numbered clump
    just to trip over on the office floor!
Useless the Husbands are feeling now, as before;
their scientific pages empty and scattered.

But, lo, the numbers return
    in true force
attached to their hearts!
which can lead them to their wives.
The most important exploration for now!

(The Two Husbands are astonished and fearful and worried for their wives)

(End of Chapter 28)

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Two Husbands'... Part 2, Chapter 27

Melodious Improbable Highly-Charged Chant

Witchdoctor chanting in to the building - Bird helps

ONLOOKER seeing the Witchdoctor’s bird,
I think the little bird is telling him
what to chant and he seems much excited.
Unless he’s looking for insects?
I think the Witchdoctor’s small twig-numbers
for the Husbands have already gone in?

Those rustic-made numbers out of branches 
    have been put in
    to go forth internationally -
high on his melodious, improbable,
    highly-charged chant,
which carries over oceans
    to the real building
and inhabits the Husbands’ numbers there
    by incantatory magic.
I’ve spoken about this before
but I say it again because it’s so unbelievable.

And here is an explanation for it:
the branchy numbers are soaked in something:
    a churlish and devily brine
that’s meant to be sore on birds
    or even on big flies,
so that long distances can be covered,
in the way that he says they can -
by a flying spoken-word code.

But, first, he must stick the branched-off numbers
inside the fetish-made Husbands’ office building.

Yes, into an office space, full of mud,
correlating to the one that they do occupy
half-way around the world.

He has arranged it that
his heavily consecrated building model
will become as simple, complex and powerful
as all the batteries, radio receivers,
transistor-made computer switches
and communications devices
made in our modern world available today.  
He is as precise, direct and willful
    using his thoughts
as all those devices could possibly be.

And he has set his primitive target upon
the numbers that are peaceful but inactive
on paper in the Husbands’ office room.
And he will animate them - jerk them into song -
by using voodoo-doll-like means.

I haven’t really explored this phenomena, myself,
experientially; or become familiar with it academically;
though I know it comes from Haiti or Africa.

However, this is what the Witchdoctor might say, himself,
about envisioning the Husbands’ numbers
most large off of the page...

I’m borrowing a building in space and time.
It is, in its nature, removed
from its former premises;
and I am mind-altering it
in part, on a certain part: the Husbands’ office.
It’s like looking into a library which I’ve never seen
and borrowing those books which I don’t understand.

I’ve got the Husbands’ work numbers here
to illuminate and project, most large,
    off of their work papers.
And then, I’ll implode upon them;
    and switch their essences
    by my woodsy oil
    and twisting and entwining branches
    until they turn blue!

Suddenly, my sad, lovely, willow branches
will wrap their shining arms and limbs
around the Husbands’ unsuspecting sums
and remove them deliberately off the page
    out into the open!
from beneath the stale, old books unstuck!
    Out the door or window!

They’ll be like actors
with smiles getting up on the stage
    to do their
    little dance entrance.

(He visualizes the numbers in the Two Husbands’ office)

En-trance! En- trance, twice-fold,
the two shock-absorbing Husbands
who have never danced with numbers!

The obsessive Witchdoctor - 2 Wives see him

(End of Chapter 27)