Monday, August 6, 2012

Two Husbands'... Part 2, Chapter 25

By Numbers Emplanting

Witchdoctor examines sticks (to stick in the building)

There - he’s going to put
burnt twigs into it - into the building model.
But, first, he’s going to fashion
and shape them like knots into
recognizable numbers: 1, 2, 3 and 4, et cetera.

    They’ve got to be bendy -
    so he’ll bend them over.
    They’ve got to be black -
    so he’ll scorch and dye them black.
Then, they have to be quite singular and separate
to stand up on their own - so he’ll break them off
    from the major branch.
Perhaps, he’ll do this first, we don’t know?
He’ll separate them and get them
    smaller and smaller
until they are able to fit squeezed through
the Husbands’-model-size office window;
which only serves as a square frame for some mud.

So, he sticks a number through - and in.

And there they are - in the mud,
not seen.

And, this is where he goes about
ranting and chanting,
before he sticks them in
(and when he sticks them in)
to give them some ‘oomph’ -
some tonal, musical, diabolical resonating -    
some total distributive fancy - to send
the numbers’ echo that goes
all the way to the Husbands’ real office building
and shakes those numbers loose
    off of their wall,
    to stand in upon, and up for,
his mirror-image, numeric doubles
which now obstrusely, obtusely
    animate them, possess them
    and shake them loose!

Stand-out numbers,
stand-in numbers,
and standing-offish numbers on the Husbands’ graph
are all set loose!  Freed and liberated! 

Witchdoctor and numbers

I’m just a silly Witchdoctor.
And here I’m on the spot with these numbers;
    thinking that I can
    force my way in
to a new territory abroad, right here -
by thrusting in brambly numbers
    and saying a chant.

As we know, any kind of music
among us can work wonders.
And I’ll see what I can do.

These chanted-over branches
are the right shape and they’ll go
    inside the building.

One of them, or two, will catch on to my song
surrounded by all the silent mud;
and then, they’ll levitate the two mens’
    important numbers
up off the walls of their offices.

(End of Chapter 25)

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