Saturday, July 30, 2011

The Two Wives... Part 7, Chapters 19 - 21

Chapter 19

And the Rum Poured Down!

And the rum poured down! 
Onto the Women’s Club Ladies . . .
How do we see it?
In a full flood?
Or, are there such dropping pellets
of virgin luxury becalming them
upon the head?
In any way, the Ladies are getting it!

Spilled out are the golden pellets
in a golden fleet;
hot from the mountain-top hole above,
they come! -
bursting bobules of sin for the Ladies
sent down for their innocence, to trick
upon their lapping up, frozen-in-motion tongues -
to drive them out of that room
and set them free from the mountain!

(The Ladies reaction to tasting the Captain’s rum)

With their eyes lit up,
their hair a-bob
and their hands in a frenzy -
with their chest lifted up -
enormous strength charges through them!
They are even more unified as a group.
And, so called, they charge out of the cave
outside of the mountain,
and attack the village men
with their abandonment and love…
However, I can’t foresee this!

How do they unify again?

Fructifying pellets, sugary,
take them by surprise -
and like a happy hummingbird
when it’s a-suck upon
a new ‘Beej Holder’ blossoming -
they’ll flit their wings
at a hundred times an hour, a minute, a second -
and launch startlingly forward,
urgently propelled by an instinctive incandescence,
mild and well-favored
(or flavored!).

Chapter 19

Showers of Rum on the Ladies Club 

Why, I ask, are they to be driven crazy by it?
Why are the Two Wives administering the full bottle
to them - showering it down in full strength
to their tasting tongues?

Down in full strength it comes!
The magic rum from the old Captain
is showering over them
from a bottle firmly held upside down
and stuck through the hole above.

Their meeting is thrown into a tizzy!
Liking the almighty rum’s taste
they flock forward
underneath the bottle.

Little did they know
who was pouring it in.
They couldn’t guess
but still tasted the rum.

Is the woman’s meeting at 9:00 at night?
And it is dark outside
when they are pouring that strong stuff in?

Yes. It disrupts that meeting, too,
and brings all the good Ladies to their feet.
Into a frenzy they go; leaping and dancing,
when they get a taste,
like Chickasaw Indians!

They jump all up and down!

The mighty rum being administered
is a turning point for the Ladies.
They will go out of the mountain
and leave it empty of their full force.
They will be bent serious on
doing some other things,
as they descend as a group
upon the sleeping village.
Their combined force is powerful.
They have much sexual control and power.


‘How?’ you ask.

Yes - how?

By being alone and generating it.

Now it is brought down
full to bear upon the sleeping inhabitants
of an outside village:
the men are requested to leave their beds
and to join them.
Music and singing are called out.

In a frenzied group the women leave the mountain
after having lapped up every drop of that
heavy rum poured in.
And, from it, they are given the power
and motivation to leave.
They are a solitary and combined willful force.
They come from being secretly hidden
and now they go forth most boldly disposed
to not fear a thing.

They’re driven by much influenced willpower
to go straight down the hill
toward the comfy, cozy homes.

Chapter 21

The Effects of the Rum

Pouring rum we have affected the group.

Certainly right!

They are becoming formless jumping molecules.

Their features are bending to the same shape,
coalescing together into…?

The rum is warmly burning their tongues.

They have all licked the Captain’s tears
found in his ship’s store of rum!

The equanimous (equal) taste so affects them all!
They dance and scream together, jump around
linking together haphazardly!

The equanimous taste unpredictably affects them all!
Their chairs are thrust back,
the carpet instantly cleared:
a field is opened
for vivacious activities.
Linking together haphazardly,
they jump up and scream;
they push and shout…

They are coalescing into a disturbing mass.

They are jammed together as a coalescing mess.
Their spirits are urging them to further
heights of frivolity and folly,
verging on insane madness.
They become like a seething jelly, unified
and ready to spread out.

In spurts and gobs of sadness for you?

A cantankerous mass!
Each woman’s personality has changed,
lost its focus,
pulled away from its familiar self;
it’s been embraced by the maddening,
disoriented group!

(End of Chapters 19-21)

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Published by Adventurer Press 06

The End of Love contains all the images used to pacify, calm down and placate a desperate lover abandoned in Mexico.

The fear of a broken heart creates many images - some sad, many humorous and a few horrific.

The book celebrates the mad chaos of a broken love affair and invites you to share the author's experiences along with your own.

98 Pages in B & W
Copyright 2002

Saturday, July 23, 2011

The Two Wives... Part 7, Chapters 17 & 18


Chapter 17

Don Pedro's Virgin Golden Rum

Two Wives take the Captain’s stolen rum
to the Women’s Club mountain.

standing next to a big rum bottle

The unknown brews are here inside
for the Club women!

Our strength is equal
to bringing this bottle
up the hill for you.

We’ll peel it off, pull out the cork
and pour it down
the topmost mountain’s
highest hole.

Right down from the top!

And there, they’ll be flooded greatly inside.

And, benefited.

Imbibed and forced out
like drunken ants.

This is something we never thought of.

Yea, that’s good.

So much for the Women’s Club Meeting now!
They’ll disperse for sure.

Yea, and get drunken and wet,
and maybe even wild, as they come out!

Into the light of day - or night -
whenever we do it.


(Thinking about the amount of rum coming down into the Women’s Club)

So, sizes are not the matter;
A few drops will be enough for each one of them.

Our sizes don’t matter.
They’ll get, and do well, with
a few drops each!

Yea, and then we’ll see!

Yea. We’ll see them get out.

They’ll be inspired.

Yea. Very inspired!
And wildish.

Golden amber fluid coming down!

The drops finding everyone’s tongues.

We’re drinking rum!

Our meeting is barely broken up.

TWO WIVES, from above
What we got from the Prince
is special to you!

Chapter 18

Rum Bottle Full

Two Wives and large rum bottle full:
pulling, pushing, putting up -
rolling, sliding, encirculating?
How do they do it?
How can they get it over to the side of the
mountain and up to its top?
How can they supervise and oversee,
together, such an operation?
And then, how can they look over and see
such a thing: a large rum bottle,
tipped over and emptying - pouring -
into the women’s special cavern!?

The truth is: they’ve gotten it away from
the crazy Prince Giant -
or, maybe, he said that they could have it -
and from the Table of Plenty, it floated over
with their mesmerizing help.

Off the wooden boards (of that table),
over the densely packed sands:
the Two Wives and the bottle full!

They jostle and kick
and settle their strong thighs
to get it going.

They edge it around
and flap up to the edges
with their hands,
and push at it backwards
with their butts.

They summon all magical spirits,
from whom they are descended
(from whom they have inherited these graces
and the true magical powers)
to come along and help them
at the beach.

Such a large bottle
moving such a long-seeming way:
up to the mountain-side
and up to the top,
and down overturned;
and let out - all of its contents dunking
or dripping, punctually, from the open hole
down into the women’s cavern -
where, un-expecting this,
the Women are proudly discussing
the managing Horse’s mobile future strengths -
when, all of a sudden, in the best way:
droplets of rum
are scattering upon them
bursting open:
golden pellets of virgin luxury!

(End of Chapters 17 & 18)

Friday, July 22, 2011

Monday, July 18, 2011

Portraits Gallery 008

Awed Soldier, 2003
Very Important Person (Sister), 2004
Friend of Nova Scotia, 2006

Saturday, July 16, 2011

The Two Wives... Part 6, Chapter 16


Chapter 16

The Two Wives are Welcomed

Two Wives home-made rocket
(made from questionable or indefinite materials)
lands next to the mountain
where a Special Women’s Club
meets inside.

The Women’s Club are discussing particular issues.

Like ranting and raving or whatever a
hard-pressed horse does?

The issues of expanding out and
expanding in.

A horse rears up
in the painting on their mountain wall.
He’s leering
and has got big teeth!

The Two Wives are making an
even and slow approach toward
going inside the mountain
(which seems so unbelievable to them!).
There are steady efforts
up the mountain-side hill, and then,
the concatenation, with concentration, down;
which is supposed to have happened
due to a sudden invite.


We don’t know!
But, much to their surprise
they ended up down inside
a mountain mole-hill
embroiled up with a lot of ladies -
or, a fair amount - all civil and
providing for this.

For the Two Wives were seen as
coming already?

Yes, from outside,
as their rocket landed down.
And, they were invited, or asked in, cordially-
with a well-centered gravity.

They came into a hall
and were welcomed
by the even-tempered ladies.

Yes. And then, they had punch and crackers.

(The Two Wives enter the large Hall of the Women’s Club)

What are we doing?

Something new! We’re invited in!

…And, perused.

Yes, perused for what we can do!

(They speak to the Women of the Club)

Well, what will it be?

To go forth to un-accomodate
a largish Laziness  upon the hill (the Prince),
who’s lapsing inside to no good avail:
a manly thing that’s got nowhere to go,
stuck between two circular walls of
or preferred picnicking forever
between four or five or eight or ten-
thousand walls.
Lead this him-ness out.
Relapse him.
And let him go outside: and
there to find his way.
Lead him also, before you say goodbye,
a little ways off…

Yes, watch out, for he will
pick you up and take you with him.

And how will he do that?

Fairly easily, as he will be, quite largely,
a giant thing.
So, be careful.

Oh, we won’t be caught up.

No, we’ll decide not to. We’ll refuse.

But he has largish hands,
used to scoop out whole mountain-sides;
and, you’ll fit in.
So, stay off those!

How is it that we’ll let him get away?

By unlocking the cabinet door
wherein all his locked-up-ness comes in.
Just swing it aside.
Slightly twist it a third degree - and let go.
He’ll probably laugh at you and
be let out thankfully.

Until he grabs for you
to do his dirty work!

And what is that?

Stealing food.

Narrator’s Notes

Two Wives steal from a cornucopia:
the cornucopia that comes from the sun.

CORNUCOPIA: a garden, or bowl, of wealth.

They pop out
onto the table
to take some stuff
that’s laying there:
like apples, pears, grapes and wine.
Or, a bottle of rum that’s there
(of the Captain’s special quality
on board the boat).

They’ll pop it
into the bag
that he’s got held open.
Then, they go back onto
his shirtsleeves as buttons -
and go on being carried
around by him
over hill and dale
back up to the mountain again!

Mixed-up Plot Rhythms

1.  Figuring out what to do -
they are still attached to him
as he walks back up to the mountain.
2.  Yet, spun off of his shirtsleeves
they are free to pilfer and grab at things.
3.  Then, they pop back on.
4.  Before, they were separate -
not included in his world.
5.  They found him.
They met him.
They let him out of the mountain cave.
6.  He helped carry them down
the mountain side.
7.  And, by the way, he is a giant.

(End of Chapter 16 & Part 6)

Friday, July 15, 2011

Published by Adventurer Press 05

MY VISITORS is an album of snapshot portraits, quick one day likenesses of colorful internal not-real beings whom the artist has met.  They come from around the world, from all different times and places.  They have a friendly hold upon his imagination but mostly he leaves their individual stories up to you.  If you connect to them they might have a lot to say and do!

72 pages in color
Copyright 2004

Monday, July 11, 2011

Saturday, July 9, 2011

The Two Wives... Part 5, Chapters 13 - 15


Chapter 13

Two Buttons on his Cuff

NARRATOR, concerned about an earlier statement
The Two Wives on the sleeves
are more fancier shown, than in his pockets
as copper pennies.

Two buttons on his cuff are the Two Wives
and they change when he wills or wants?

When he says so! Does so!
Snaps them off!
Sends them off.

They come off - down they go, plunk!
onto the table - but, no,
‘plunk!’, you think - but not like that,
but deftly - they land four-footed on soft toes.
Like this; ‘bing’ (quietly) ‘tap' -
with just a small shudder
or shake: a levering or re-adjustment
of the table top.
And then: to go to the bowls!

To approach the food,
How dazed and confused are they.
But, they’re in ‘operations mode’, collecting -
thumping them (all the fruit) off!

Big handled is he (Prince Giant)
with his wide-mouthed open bag.

Soon, the clunks and thumps are
fewer and farther between.
Exhausted, the two women look back:
piled up full inside the bag
is almost all of everything, anything,
they can get or want
from one table!

An inappropriate grin has spread,
and is spreading now,
on the Giant Prince’s face.
He is looking down into that bag
between his hands.
All of it is full up!

Giant Prince, puts the bag down, stands up
and holds up his arms straight out in front of him:
"Ladies, it is all full up, come back!" he commands.

(The ladies go back to his cuffs)

Popping or spinning,
whirling, catapulting,
swing-saucering -
I don’t know how to describe it?
They’re winging over to his cuffs:
on to each single arm that he’s holding
up in a mummy’s stance.
He’s willful again,
switching them,
fiendly hiding
their withering escape;
but I just can’t say it!

They will get back on to
his two sleeves and
hang there, quickly attached...
laced in... strung along...
However such buttons are attached!?

Chapter 14

Continuing the Story

Again, I think having the Two Wives show up
on his sleeves like buttons
seems better than hiding them in his pocket
as pennies.

In history there have been little helpers before.
Obnoxious: they are known.
I won’t mention them.
They are a candle to the wind.

Yet, here they are again! -
coming off of his white flagrant sleeves!
Embossing off of his shirt
to the table freely.
Commandeered by he,
the ‘leerer’, leering up above.
Commandeered by he
and confused, too -
because, they, although zombified,
are not completely willing.
In this, he has to do the work -
because he has to think -
and, in that thought, he has to control
and maneuver two wives:
to not only be roundly confined as two
buttons but to pop off at his command
to commandeer the loads
of tabletop groceries and fineries.
He must willfully think to them
to s’pop them off - to get them to
suspend themselves off of his sleeves
and on to the table;
and this is one flagrant detail
that bewitches all of our real truth belief!

That they may do this
is his one magic reality move;
and it’s known to be something greedy, already!

I know it.

Yet, beyond his big open bag
filling up so full,
we don’t know anything.
Are we going to follow him that far?
Are we watching out for the two hastening wives
charging forward in crime?

Yes, I have. But what else?

And then, they’ll return (to the cuffs)
quietly, and he’ll synch the bag up, dried up -
and we’ll never know all of what’s inside -
because now it’s taken by them
up to an unnatural cave, darkened upstairs,
in a hollow mountain: his behavioral home.

Then, he counts out his riches:
the foodstuffs, wine and all -
musing to himself,
‘Ah, how long can I last on this?’
Deep inside, all alone with
secret fruits,
rinds and liquors,
special punches,
mulled pots of things…

And, the Two Wives let out then -
to go away?

(The Narrator doesn’t know if this is true, yet)

Chapter 15

Armies of Care

Two Wives - two little buttons fair -
helping the Giant Prince to
crowd open his cave,
letting out huge armies of care
and accumulated special foodstuffs
and liquor and rare treasures all!
This, their ‘specific-function fun job’!
Their special case.

And, they’ve come like birds
(humming) through the air to land
nearby and begin to, sort of, smally,
neatly - internally - rescue
(biologically, like flighty, kindly, butterfly germs);
and, to kind of figure out,
re-activate, reduce,
take care of the boy-man’s special, all sacred
business tankards (his white glands);
so that he can get a leverage and
receive a lift-off, like they do:
rocket-bound home.

Yet, the Two Wives, say infernally...

Is it time to revisit our busy husbands,
out back there, working
all day and night by large
numerical graphs of figures tight
measuring full or half or empty
their own success;
as money falls or hopes rise and
flatten out to a huge failure?

Yes, I think so.

And, I think so.
And we’re going!

And they go.
Then, they’ll work aspiringly
with their husbands, too.

This is the end of:
the Two Wives helpful story,
plus, the Doubly Energetic Crime Operations Device
(two buttons) employed on a single shirt.

Come off!
We’ll do it again! -
loading food and fruit
into a bowl.


(End of Chapters 13 - 15)

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Saturday, July 2, 2011

The Two Wives... Part 4, Chapters 10 - 12

Chapter 10

What Happened in the House?

What happened in the house?
A live cock knows
and shows by bringing its short feathers up
and screaming, as chickens do: “Squawk!”
He knows…

I know. I’m here on a men’s table
but I am still alive and can talk.
I’m happy.
I’m strong.
I’m willing
to flap and say every deal that I feel.

So, here’s what I’m doing:
I don’t prevent two copper ladies from
landing on here
but I do say
that these feeds and libations
are not for you, Fat Boy Giant
who has Not Grown Up (yet).

These specially provided
sumptions are for girls that need it -
for small women to grow,
for small women to stop being
the smaller copper pennies in your life;
to bring in the big dollar!

They are fruit intake,
bread, consumption fuel,
so that they can
bring up your fat inflatedness to all
and you’ll once again deflate
your hidden mountain fortress.
You’ll emerge together with the Ladies as equals.
They’ll provide the wine from this magic table.
I’ll flit over and surmise
if your inborn situation is alright.

Chapter 11

On the Ship Off the Mexican Coast

speaking about the Two Wives as two buttons
On the sleeves is fancier
than in his pockets as copper pennies.

(The Two Wives are now in a ship with large portholes)

There are portholes;
and the Two Wives are copper pennies
on the table, stealing and pilfering.
The captain of the ship is in awe
watching their dancing movements.

“Little lady lifting a bottle up bigger
than her size!” he thinks.
“Little lady lifting banana and papaya that’s bigger
than her size!”

TWO WIVES, looking at the large bottle
Should we pilfer this?
This is what we want.
The secret rum!
The sweet secret Captain’s rum!

Now, all for our own.

Or, bring it back to the Women’s Clubhouse.
There, they’ll all share!

And what’s supposing to happen, then?

General decisions.
Not about the Horse.
They’ll get missing all the men.
They’ll get over their secrecy.
They’ll pop all out of the mountain.

They’ll reveal themselves, then.

They’ll be dragged out of the top of the mountain
by the bottle of rum calling.

They’ll get fired up to get up to the top
and get (go) out!

Yeah, toward the villages.

I can see a group of women marching
down the mountain-side toward a village…


Dream Mix-up

In my dream someone who thinks that I am a thief
is cross-examining me. I did take two brass buttons
off an old yellow military vest hanging on the door of his office.
But, then, where is the vest? I don’t know?
I don’t know? I can’t remember!
It’s from Virginia. I’m in trouble!

(In the picture, the bottle on the table has a cross on it)

The cross is on the bottle  
that the two button girls are going to get.
And is it a cross or an X-mark?

CHICKEN, says loudly
The cross is on the bottle and that
is what you’re going to get!
Because X marks the spot
and the lore states that you will find it there.

And, for the two button girls it’s on the big bottle
that’s almost full.
“Take it”, they say to themselves.

This makes the big guy happy...
Though what’s inside the bottle is mixed up:
rum or other deepish, dark, secret stuff.
Sort of thick
for thinking or drinking.
Anyway, that’s how I feel, even without it,
this a.m. in Mexico!

(End of Chapters 10 -12)