Saturday, June 30, 2012

Two Husbands'... Part 2, Chapter 22

The Mastery Of The Witchdoctor

Witchdoctor experiencing the city
The Witchdoctor conjures up
a real time energy force about the city
where the two Husbands work.

In and out of straight folds of buildings
he sees or feels numbers creep; numbers
that are somehow associated with the two men.
And, by knowing about these few numbers -
by seeing them in his trance-like reveries
(the very numbers that mean so much to the two men;
that seem to, practically, drive them along their way)
the Witchdoctor can find out how to power
    the two men’s dead centers
    out of the building
to up on top of the roof!

(The Two Wives watch the Witchdoctor bending warmed-up twigs
into number shapes)

Look at those homely twigs he’s frying
    and blackening
and fashioning into tiny little numbers
like pretzels, ready to shove
    inside his building model
    through the windows.

And, especially, into our husbands’ office!

Into the warm, soft clay a little number goes,
    like into a large cake
    to be a surprise.

To generate a force coming from inside the building
to affect our two husbands at their work.

And can we see the results?

Not here. How?

He is a strange one
    doing silly things
but I hope he succeeds.

Yes, in moving our husbands
    out of doors
away from the office
to come save us here.

But we’re not stuck here, are we?

They can save us wherever we are!

Witchdoctor twisting numbers out of sticks - Wives watch in consternation

WITCHDOCTOR talking to himself
about the miniature numbers and how they work,
I make a large city cake to be putting
the Two Husbands’ work load in -
    with these branches
    born into a special shape
    through my hands.
(He holds up a home-made number)
Here are the special shapes of the Husbands’
risk-taking, life-transforming wagers
    and their special deals.
All so certain, so special!
    I will move them!

The tree shapes have my knowledge
and my voice; and they’re going to move up 
and get up, maybe light up, get big with space
and dance about, significantly but harmlessly,
to take the Husbands flirtatiously with girls’ smiles 
(so like their wives’ smiles) out of their offices.

A blackened twig number
ranted and chanted over carefully
and made to be a surprise for the Two Husbands;
    made ready to move
    and to buoy them up
    where they are stuck in their work.
The Witchdoctor’s stick numbers will have an effect!

(End of Chapter 22)

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