Sunday, August 19, 2012

Two Husbands'... Part 2, Chapter 27

Melodious Improbable Highly-Charged Chant

Witchdoctor chanting in to the building - Bird helps

ONLOOKER seeing the Witchdoctor’s bird,
I think the little bird is telling him
what to chant and he seems much excited.
Unless he’s looking for insects?
I think the Witchdoctor’s small twig-numbers
for the Husbands have already gone in?

Those rustic-made numbers out of branches 
    have been put in
    to go forth internationally -
high on his melodious, improbable,
    highly-charged chant,
which carries over oceans
    to the real building
and inhabits the Husbands’ numbers there
    by incantatory magic.
I’ve spoken about this before
but I say it again because it’s so unbelievable.

And here is an explanation for it:
the branchy numbers are soaked in something:
    a churlish and devily brine
that’s meant to be sore on birds
    or even on big flies,
so that long distances can be covered,
in the way that he says they can -
by a flying spoken-word code.

But, first, he must stick the branched-off numbers
inside the fetish-made Husbands’ office building.

Yes, into an office space, full of mud,
correlating to the one that they do occupy
half-way around the world.

He has arranged it that
his heavily consecrated building model
will become as simple, complex and powerful
as all the batteries, radio receivers,
transistor-made computer switches
and communications devices
made in our modern world available today.  
He is as precise, direct and willful
    using his thoughts
as all those devices could possibly be.

And he has set his primitive target upon
the numbers that are peaceful but inactive
on paper in the Husbands’ office room.
And he will animate them - jerk them into song -
by using voodoo-doll-like means.

I haven’t really explored this phenomena, myself,
experientially; or become familiar with it academically;
though I know it comes from Haiti or Africa.

However, this is what the Witchdoctor might say, himself,
about envisioning the Husbands’ numbers
most large off of the page...

I’m borrowing a building in space and time.
It is, in its nature, removed
from its former premises;
and I am mind-altering it
in part, on a certain part: the Husbands’ office.
It’s like looking into a library which I’ve never seen
and borrowing those books which I don’t understand.

I’ve got the Husbands’ work numbers here
to illuminate and project, most large,
    off of their work papers.
And then, I’ll implode upon them;
    and switch their essences
    by my woodsy oil
    and twisting and entwining branches
    until they turn blue!

Suddenly, my sad, lovely, willow branches
will wrap their shining arms and limbs
around the Husbands’ unsuspecting sums
and remove them deliberately off the page
    out into the open!
from beneath the stale, old books unstuck!
    Out the door or window!

They’ll be like actors
with smiles getting up on the stage
    to do their
    little dance entrance.

(He visualizes the numbers in the Two Husbands’ office)

En-trance! En- trance, twice-fold,
the two shock-absorbing Husbands
who have never danced with numbers!

The obsessive Witchdoctor - 2 Wives see him

(End of Chapter 27) 

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