Saturday, September 8, 2012

Two Husbands'... Part 2, Chapter 29

By Their Own Numbers Possessed

Witchdoctor, 2 Wives watching

It occurs to me that
the building the Witchdoctor built
is a square, stretched-out heavy thing;
impenetrable probably, almost -
except by the sharp-ended bramble twigs
    that he fashioned into
    puncturing numbers
to go inside of the building.

And, before inching them in softly,
he has super-consciously made those numbers
(to be able to communicate a great number of things)
    enchanted -
not resplendent, not glorified
but very receptive. Receptionairy.

NARRATOR making notes,


Wet, briny numbers inside the building.

His commands - their listening.

Signals, within the mud, going over
oceanaries, continents and waves
all the way to the east coast of North America.

These connections
are going to bring the Husbands
out of their offices.


He is affecting so-called inanimate objects,
which are always going to be
spinning inside of themselves anyway, we think.

In a way,
he reaches in
through his tongue
like an ant-eater
to stir and hook up with those
inner components inside of
inanimatory (inanimate) matter.

He will, like a honey stick,
attach, whip up and stir around
and draw out and wrap them
around his tongue (or on to your little finger!).

And thus, he will have already smeared it on
and all over; and gotten it ready
to present to the gods.

He is ready to propose and send
such a sweet message to the gods that they will enjoy
licking or dragging it along over the waves’ brines
spraying above the deep,
until it gets inside the city walls; and high up above,
through the Husbands’ windows, goes in
to enwrap its sullen (but fertile and procreative)
enchantments upon their jotted pages -
and all over, up on the walls of their graph.

And then it shall come down
    over them.
And they’ll be dragged out of there,
    like fish in its netting.
Thrown out - but safely -
    from the windows;
ready to ride upon the larger numbers
blown up and manifested moving
by the Witchdoctor’s incantating spells
from his far jungle habitat.

The Two Wives watch!

(The Witchdoctor sees the Two Wives in their hiding place)

WITCHDOCTOR, explaining to the Two Wives,
I am trying to get your two husbands to come here.
I’m trying to provide means, locomotion;
    a strong enduring vehicle
    for them to travel upon,
without them thinking or planning about it;
because, by this development,
they’ll have to be taken by surprise
    and be carried away
    almost against their will,
by being just barely persuaded,
    (or knocked up against)
by my jungle-charmed phantoms;
and by their own numbers, possessed!

But, suddenly, inquisitive Ladies,
you’ve interrupted the crucial scheduling
of these proceedings. Now... I must assume
that the Two Husbands were just barely getting going
out the window on the numbers when...

We shouted out and showed ourselves here!

Oh, no! What have we done wrong?

WITCHDOCTOR continuing calmly,
... When your husbands must have turned back,
astoundedly, only a few feet, to the edge
of the roof...

Oh, no!

...and landed stably there,
each on his own two feet.

Witchdoctor and the two businessmen

TWO WIVES, relieved

And the great numbers gone!
disappeared, distilled, evaporated
and ménaged - remunerated all out -
    like no trace of clouds
    or birds in the sky!

So, you Two Wives will have to go get
the Husbands yourselves.
You’ll have to go away from the jungle
back to your far away city to be with them.

(Now, the Two Wives now have to think of a way to transport themselves back to the city - with the Witchdoctor’s help)

It looks like the Two Husbands appear on top of the building.
Maybe the Witchdoctor sees them, maybe he doesn’t?
They are disoriented, let loose,
from their levitating number bulbs floating up.
They’ve just made it to the roof’s edge
and are not going anywhere, anymore.
Is this really true?

The Witchdoctor can’t really tell if his animating formulas
are working now; because he has been interrupted by the Two Wives,
He assumes that the Husbands’ traveling numbers have been
permanently delayed. What do you think?

I don’t agree! I think it’s the opposite.

(End of Chapter 29)

1 comment:

  1. I agree w/ the narrator- I think the Witchdoctor can figure something else out to solve the problem!
