Monday, November 26, 2012

Two Husbands'... Part 2, Chapter 34

Oil Drop Blankets

Witchdoctor's magic

It all happens quickly
like a baseball’s pitch
at ninety miles an hour but
exponentially much faster.

It happens through blankets,
like ongoing light being refracted
through an opening giant eyeball,
    barely blinking,
that’s the size of the globe!

There’s an arc of tiny blankets
    running through,
    with their oily drops
that propel and lubricate the passage-way
   of the Two Wives.

An arc of tiny patches
that appear and disappear
in a flickering wave:  
that’s what carries them through.

In a moment
of quick reflection,
all the weight the Ladies carry on their feet 
is gone. I don’t know how?
That is the Witchdoctor’s question to answer.

But the Wives, though practical,
are used to special magic by now.
They’ve seen it happen
with the Giant Prince:
he turned them into pennies!

Now they’re just getting home
to see their two husbands again.

There Are Opening Mouths on the Blankets

Blankets lifting like tissues,
    one after another;
inviting a Lady up through
the dark diminuating triangles 
    which are opening up
through tremendous vacuums of space
    like hungry mouths,
tremendously empty - and sucking.

How did the Witchdoctor do this?
What are the powers of his blanket toil-cloth carpet?
I’ve been trying to describe them;
though I’m not familiar with their inner,
oily workings.

(He concentrates on his description)

Weaves. beads and currents
through knotted threads
leading up to an opening
    greedy mouth -
a dark black vacuum hole
sucking the Two Wives through,
    like two peas
    through two,
    dark, fat lips.

Knotted thread-lights
pull them through,
mouth after mouth -
on every carpet displaying,
through the vents, dark circles
powered by incantating oily lips!

I see the Witchdoctor’s face up close
breathing roughly,
creating a dark vacuum searching sound.

The thread-light knots
create a special pattern
on which they will depend for flight
when they go.

So, praise to the makings
of the special threads
by the large Village Women;
and to the meaning of
their specific knots and bulbs
    ringing like bells,
signifying a solitary, personal vacuum journey
    through space
    in a blink of an eye -
set to, by the Witchdoctor
and anointed by his magic oil
of mystery, power and love!

(End of Chapter 34)

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